Frequently asked Questions.
This is the medicine of “how” and “why”, not just “what”. This means functional medicine gets to the root cause of your condition by determining how and why it occurred. It goes beyond the narrow view of understanding your condition through a diagnosis alone. One condition can have many causes and, similarly, one cause may lead to different conditions.
The Institute for Functional Medicine certifies the most thoroughly trained and tested functional medicine clinicians. There are less than 1,800 IFM-certified practitioners in the world. IFM-trained practitioners are the most in-demand and have the most respect in the field.
The functional medicine approach is individualized, science-based, and patient-centered. It allows each patient’s symptoms to identify which systems are out of balance. This requires a deeper understanding of each patient’s unique genetic, lifestyle, and biochemical dynamics. This unleashes the healing potential through a more personalized plan and stronger partnership between patient and doctor.
Kinesiology is a chiropractic method that utilizes dynamic feedback that tests the body’s energetic systems. This approach is the study of movement. It assesses muscles, fascia, and soft tissue to determine each patient’s needs and help direct healing towards structural, biochemical, mental-emotional balance. Dr. Cox utilizes a kinesiology technique that also integrates the chiropractic methods of Applied Kinesiology, Clinical Kinesiology, Sacro-Occipital Technique, along with the bioenergetic pathways of the body.
This approach to natural healing recognizes the body’s ability to self-regulate and self-heal. It is a method that assesses each patient’s internal conditions and their environment to look for what is blocking the body’s ability to heal. Bioregulatory Medicine then applies specific nutrients, herbs, homeopathy, and therapies to restore the self-healing capacity of the body.
We do not accept insurance or file insurance for you and are not able to provide insurance codes. We do provide a receipt in the event your insurance will work with you directly.
We offer services that are, in general, considered above the standard of care and therefore elective as far as the insurance industry is concerned. We do everything we can to make sure Functional Medicine is affordable and available to everyone.